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The Future of Automatic Hot Dip Galvanizing Plants


The galvanizing industry has experienced multiple transformations in the past few decades, with a notable shift towards automation. The need for efficient, reliable, and innovative galvanizing solutions has increased with the demand for long-lasting, corrosion-resistant materials.  

In this blog, we will understand and explore the future of Automatic Hot Dip Galvanizing Plant and we will also understand the role of Galvanizing Plant manufacturers in driving these future advancements. 

Introduction to Hot Dip Galvanizing Technology 

The method of hot dip galvanizing provides a layer of zinc to steel or iron to prevent corrosion. To form an effective barrier against rust, the metal component is dipped into the molten zinc. For enhancing the durability of metal products, this automated approach is frequently used in an array of industries, like industrial, automotive, and construction.

The evolution of Galvanizing Technology 

The technology used in the galvanization process has improved considerably over time. The evolution has taken place to lower costs, maximize productivity, and improve the caliber of the galvanizing process.The automatic galvanizing plants are the solution for all these problems. They serve many benefits than the traditional system. 


Benefits of Hot Dip Galvanizing Plants 

The use of Automatic Hot Dip Galvanizing Plants has provided number of benefits like: 

  • Enhanced efficiency 

Automatic galvanized plants are designed in a way which will help to maximize efficiency by automating various stages of the galvanizing process. 

  • Improved Quality 

The automatic process ensures consistent results like high-quality zinc clothings. The high-quality coatings provide durability and better corrosion resistance. 

  • Improved Quality 

The automated process gives precise control over the quality to ensure high-quality coatings and to prevent corrosion for a long time. 

  • Cost savings 

Even though the initial investment for installing the automatic plant is high, there are long term cost savings from this plant. 

  • Environmental benefits 

The automated plants are modern and are designed in a way that they are environment-friendly. They have a control system which controls emissions which in turn reduces the environmental hazards. 


The role of Arvind Corrotech in Advancing Galvanizing Technology 

Arvind Corrotech, is a leading Galvanizing plant manufacturer providing high quality and efficient Turnkey hot dip galvanizing plants and automatic hot dip galvanizing plants. Our company has been at the forefront for bringing advancements in the galvanizing industry. Our plants are designed in a way that they can provide efficient and reliable results to every industry. 

  • Turnkey solutions 

We offer complete turnkey solutions for setting your hot dip galvanizing plants. Our solutions will include everything from design and engineering to installation and commissioning. 

  • Customisation and flexibility 

At Arvind Corrotech we give top priority to quality. We use high-quality materials and components during our galvanizing plant manufacturing to make sure that it performs efficiently for a long time. 

  • Innovation and Technology 

We are committed to continuous innovation and adaptation of new technology. Our plants have control systems and automatic solutions which use modern technology. The innovations that we bring help in improving the quality of the galvanizing process. 

The Future of Automatic Hot Dip Galvanizing Technology 

The future of this technology looks promising, with several new trends and advancements. 

  • Advanced Automation and Robotics 

As in today’s generation technology is continuously evolving, thus we can expect to have greater levels of automation and even the integration of robotics in this industry with time. 

  • Adaptation of IoT

The adaptation of IoT or industry 4.0 technology can help in bringing advancements in the galvanizing industry. This adaption will help in the decision making process.

  • Sustainable practices 

To provide environmental sustainability, the future of automatic hot dip galvanizing plants can have advanced control systems, energy-efficient technologies and also waste reduction strategies. 

  • Digital Twin Technology 

This technology involves creating a duplicate or a replica of a same physical plant. This technology if incorporated in the future will allow real time monitoring leading to improved performance. 

  • Customisation and Flexibility 

To provide great adaptability by various industries, the future galvanizing plants will be designed in a way to fit a wide range of products with different sizes and shapes.


The future of automatic galvanizing plants is very promising and bright. With a number of advancements happening in this field, there will be a huge transformation in this industry. We at Arvind Corrotech, are shaping the future of the galvanizing industry to ensure that every client who invests in the galvanizing plants achieve their goals with confidence. 

For the industries who are looking to invest in galvanizing plants, now it is the right time to improve your production capacities and quality of your products, with cost savings and latest innovations with us. 

Contact us today, to learn about the wide range of galvanizing solutions and stay ahead in your industry! 

Understanding the Automation in Hot Dip Galvanizing plants


Businesses aiming at improving the efficacy and quality of their galvanizing procedures should think about investing in automatic hot dip galvanizing plants. The latest technology in automatic plants enables the automation of many galvanizing procedures, resulting in greater output and uniform outcomes. 

Understanding the components of these plants is very important for making decisions regarding implementation and operation. In this blog, we will understand the essential components of Automatic galvanizing plants, and also the function and benefit of each component. 

  • Pre-Treatment section 

The first stage in the galvanizing process is the pre-treatment section. This stage is important for preparing metal or in simple terms steel products for coating. The things which are included in this section  are: 

  • Degreasing Tanks 

These tanks help in removing the excess oil, grease, and other oily substances which are present on the steel surface. A completely clean surface is very essential before the zinc coating. 

  • Pickling Tanks 

These tanks are filled with acid solutions and help in removing rust, scale or any such oxide from the steel. The use of this tank provides a proper smooth and clean surface for galvanizing. 

  • Rinsing Tanks 

After pickling the steel with acid, the steel is again rinsed in the tank to remove the leftover acid from the surface. 


The benefits of the Pre-Treatment section are: 

  • Provides clean and smooth steel surfaces. 
  • Will help in giving the proper zinc coating. 
  • Will improve the quality of the final product. 


  • Fluxing section 

In this section, the clean steel is dipped into a flux solution, which is simply, ammonium chloride. This step is important as it prevents oxidation. The different components of this section are: 

  • Flux tanks 

These tanks have flux solutions, which help in promoting the bond of zinc and steel. 

  • Drying ovens 

Steel parts after fluxing are dried properly in this oven to remove any sort of residual moisture and to ensure uniform zinc coating. 

The benefits of the fluxing section are: 

  • It helps prevent oxidation. 
  • It helps in providing a strong bond between iron and zinc. 
  • It helps in improving the quality and durability of the galvanized coating. 
  • Galvanizing Kettle 

This is the most important component of the galvanization process. It has molten zinc which has a temperature around 450°C. 

The different components of this include: 

  • Kettle

The kettle which is used is made up of steel and has ceramic linings, it is used to hold molten zinc for the dipping process. 

  • Heating System 

This system helps in ensuring that the zinc is at the appropriate temperature which is very important for effective galvanizing. 

  • Dipping mechanism 

This mechanism is used for raising the steel parts into and out of the molten zinc, to provide even coating. 

The benefits of Galvanizing Kettles are: 

  • It helps in providing uniform zinc coating. 
  • It increases corrosion resistance. 
  • It ensures the durability of the steel products.
  • Cooling and Quenching section 

After coating the steel parts with zinc, the parts need to be cooled and solidified. This section of the galvanizing process includes: 

  • Cooling tanks 

In this tank, the galvanized steel is cooled using either water or air to solidify the zinc coating properly. 

  • Quenching tanks 

This tank is mostly filled with passivation solution, to enhance the appearance and corrosion resistance property of the zinc coating. 

The benefits of the Cooling and Quenching section include: 

  • The rapid cooling helps in solidifying the zinc coating. 
  • The passivation which is provided helps in improving corrosion resistance and appearance. 
  • This section provides durability to the galvanized products. 


  • Post-treatment section 

This section involves additional processes, to improve the quality and finish of the galvanized products. The processes involved are: 

  • Inspection and finishing 

The automated galvanizing plants, in this process, inspect the galvanized products to ensure that there are no defects or uneven coating. Finishing the product includes removing the excess zinc and also adding protective coatings. 

The benefits of the Post-treatment section are: 

  • This section ensures that there is no defect in the product. 
  • It helps in improving the appearance and durability of the products. 
  • It prepares the product for safe transportation. 
  • Control systems 

There are advanced control systems which are integrated into the automatic galvanizing plants, to ensure precision and efficiency. 

  • Programmable logic controllers 

These controllers control the entire process from pre-treatment to post-treatment ensuring that each stage is operating correctly. 

  • Monitoring systems 

These systems provide real-time data based on process parameters, which allows adjustments to maintain the optimal temperature. 

  • Safety systems 

They help in protecting the workers and different instruments from any potential hazard. 

Benefits of control systems 

  • It helps in improving the operational efficiency. 
  • It provides consistent quality and adherence to standards. 
  • Provides safety and reduces the risk of accidents. 


Investing in a proper Automatic Galvanizing plant or a Turnkey hot dip galvanizing plant can provide many advantages like increased efficiency, consistent results, and enhanced safety. Understanding all the key components helps the businesses to make proper decisions about the implementation and operation. 

We at Arvind Corrotech, are leading galvanizing plant manufacturers and provide all the solutions according to your needs. By using advanced technology and automation, hot dip galvanizing plants can improve your production capabilities and provide you with high-quality galvanized products. 


Automatic Hot Dip Galvanizing Plant: Benefits For Industry

With the advent of innovative technology, galvanization has witnessed sweeping changes. Automatic hot dip galvanization plant is a classic example of harnessing of innovative technology to drive considerable benefits.

For the unawares, a hot dip galvanization plant is a scientifically designed plant comprising a variety of machines, tanks, and tools to convert typical steel-made items into galvanized steel. Iron or steel-made items are immersed in a molten lava of zinc. A metallurgical reaction takes place between iron and molten zinc, resulting in a zinc coating over the metal.

Benefits of Automatic Hot Dip Galvanizing Plant

Why automatic plants are important? Over the years, demand for automatic plants has witnessed a substantial surge, riding on industries’ inclination towards automatic plants. 

Some of the important benefits comprise:

  • Cost reduction
  • Increased productivity
  • Enhanced reliability
  • Optimized performance

Cost reduction

Every business faces pressure to reduce production costs. The automation of hot dip galvanizing plants is a step forward. Automation is a strategic step towards cost containment.

Increased productivity

Automatic hot dip galvanization plant executes the commands precisely and timely and in exact sequences. Thereby, eliminating manmade errors. As a result, the production process becomes more linear and cost-effective.

Enhanced Reliability

Since the automatic hot dip galvanizing plant is technology-driven and has low human intervention, it demonstrates enhanced reliability during the production cycle. Reliability is one of the major benefits that sparkles with automation.

Optimized Performance

Every company that uses a galvanization plant would like to see that their plant performs flawlessly without major downtime and aids in production. A typical galvanization plant has its challenges. With an automatic hot dip galvanizing plantcompanies can get optimized performance.     

Given the technology and benefits that automatic hot dip galvanizing plant brings onboard, a wide range of industries are installing them in their facility.

5 Major Reasons Why Industries Must Galvanize Steel

How many times, have you imagined about the quality of steel around us? How the flyover bridge still remains intact though more than 50 years have passed? That power pole you saw during childhood is still brightening? How does it happen? Don’t be shocked, when we say, the automatic hot dip galvanized plant ’s impact is all around us and it plays a significant role in our day-to-day lives.

Hot Dip Galvanizing

For the unaware, the hot dip galvanizing process is a scientifically designed process for galvanizing steel or iron. As part of the process, metal-made items are immersed in the molten lava of zinc, leading to the formation of a zinc coating. This coating imparts numerous qualities to the coated material, including corrosion resistance.

Let’s now shift our focus to the core issue of this blog, 5 major reasons why industries must galvanize steel before using it.

Galvanizing means durability  

Over the years, it has been proved that galvanizing is durable. That’s the reason, it has been largely used by plant and storage tanks manufacturer across the globe, including India. According to industry experts, galvanized steel-made items and structures can last up to 100 years.

Galvanizing is environment friendly

You would agree that the long-term durability that comes along with galvanized steel reduces the burden on the environment. Subsequently, it supports sustainable development. In this era of rapid industrialization, environment-friendly structure and product are getting prominence. And rightly so. The automatic hot dip galvanizing plant industry is witnessing tremendous growth, riding on its significance and advantages for a wide range of industries.

Galvanizing is cost-effective   

It’s a myth and perceived notion that hot dip galvanizing is expensive. People think galvanizing is expensive as it brings along with it numerous properties. The paint looks good, initially, it’s cheap. However, you will have to paint the metallic items time and again to save it from corrosion. Also, painting cost increases depending on market dynamics. However, galvanizing costs have remained stable. Initially galvanizing may sound expensive, however, in the long run, it pays off. You don’t have to paint the metallic item, time and again. Subsequently, it is being relied on by plant and storage tanks manufacturer.                                               

Galvanizing is reliable

Yes, that’s absolutely right. Galvanizing is definitely reliable in comparison to a host of other methods to control corrosion. The zinc coating formed as a result of the automatic hot dip galvanizing plant has been found to be consistent, reliable, and durable.

Galvanizing provides incredible coverage to surface   

The hot dip galvanizing creates a robust and reliable bond between zinc and steel, leading to the formation of a coating that will last for generations. Also, along with the robust surface, it also provides superior coverage. Hence, the galvanized structure remains protected for years.


We are hoping, this blog will erase many of your myths regarding galvanization and its viability. Next time when you see an electric pole still transmitting power though very old, don’t get surprised. It has happened because of an automatic hot dip galvanizing plant.

Industries cutting across domain expertise are drawing benefits from the incredibly scientific process, including, plant and storage tanks manufacturer.

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